The United Republic of Tanzania


Department of Compensation and Industrial Relations

The Department of Compensation and Industrial Relations is organized into two Units, namely, Compensation and Industrial Relations Section and the Payroll Section with 3 Human Resource Officers, 1 Administrative Officer and 15 supporting staff. The Directorate is responsible for effective utilization of human resources, retention, staff exits, and industrial harmony. These functions are broadly divided into three major categories, namely, compensation, performance management, and labour relations.


Compensation is a broad term which covers what employees get in return of their work. Under this function, the Department is responsible for ensuring equitable and fair determination and administration of staff salaries, incentives, and benefits. The Department ensures that staff salaries are consistently administered and every employee receives his or her entitled emoluments. Resulting from this duty, the Department handles all staff complaints which are raised from time to time regarding salaries and, where appropriate, makes the necessary adjustments.

Incentives are another preoccupation of this Department which has to ensure that members of staff are paid appropriate incentives as stipulated by the Hospital incentive package. The Department is also responsible for the review of the Hospital incentives and advises the Management on the measures that should be taken in order to motivate employees and ultimately improve the performance of the Hospital.

The Department also manages some of the employees’ benefits. It ensures that statutory contributions are deducted from each employee in the Hospital and are timely remitted to the respective social security fund. It arranges for the payment of terminal benefits for employees upon their separation with the Hospital. In case of terminal benefits payable by the social security funds, the Department makes the necessary arrangements with the social security funds to facilitate the payment.

The Department also coordinates the following activities:

  1. Hire purchase with Tunakopesha limited;
  2. Staff loan arrangements with various financial institutions;

Performance Management.

In executing this function, the Department coordinates and works closely with Heads of Departments, Block managers and Heads of Units in the management of performance in the Hospital. It plays a key advisory role in performance planning, implementation of work plans and targets, and performance appraisal. The Department is also responsible for coordinating staff promotions, increments and other performance related awards and reprimands.

Performance planning involves setting of objectives for employees at the beginning of the planning period and developing of plans to achieve the agreed objectives. The Department coordinates the development of performance plans which are basically agreements between employees and their respective supervisors on what and how a given job is to be done so that both parties know what is expected and how success is defined and measured.

In the implementation of work plans, the Department works closely with supervisors in ensuring that they provide the necessary support and feedback while employees are working to achieve the agreed objectives in order to enhance performance. The Department has also the overall responsibility in coordinating the formal performance appraisal, usually at the end of the year. It conducts training for appraisers in order to educate them on important considerations to be borne in mind when evaluating staff performance. It also facilitates managers with the necessary instruments for implementing performance reviews and appraisals.

Performance needs to be reinforced through various rewards which is one of the important considerations in performance management and appraisal. As it has been pointed out above, the Department coordinates the exercise of staff promotions, increments, and other incentives which are awarded by the managers to employees with good performance.

Labour Relations.

The Department is responsible for establishing and maintaining harmonious labour relations conducive for effective and efficient organizational performance between the Management on the one hand and employees on the other. The Department provides technical expertise and performs distinct functions as follows:

  1. Interprets the provisions of the laws governing labour relations and labour agreements; Designs and coordinates the labour relations policy of the Hospital;
  2. Advises Management and employees on the laws governing labour relations and labour agreements;
  3. Trains managers and employees on the laws governing labour relations and labour agreements;
  4. Handles employees’ grievances and coordinates the resolution of labour disputes and conflicts
  5. Administers staff discipline in the Hospital;
  6. Coordinates collective bargaining between the Management of the Hospital and employees;
  7. Coordinates the cooperation and interaction between the Management and employees through their union, TUGHE.

Payroll Management

The Department of Compensation and Industrial Relations also handles the payment of staff salaries, benefits, and allowances. In this undertaking, the Department maintains and updates salary particulars for each employee in the Hospital payroll for accurate payment of monthly salaries, allowances, and benefits.

The Recruitment and Training Department

The Recruitment and Training Department is charged with the responsibility of coordinating recruitment and training in the Hospital.


The Department is comprises the Training Section, Recruitment, Interns Administration, and Registry. It has 24 employees and out of them, two are Human Resource Officers and three Administrative Officers. The Department is responsible for determining vacant positions and new positions and seeking approval for employment permits from the Government. When there are vacant or new positions to be filled, the Department coordinates the selection process through advertising, short-listing, interviews, and hiring in accordance with the Recruitment Policy of the Hospital and Government policies and regulations.

The Department is also responsible for maintaining and updating the Hospital HR Database and the employees’ particulars in the Government computer system. It is responsible for entering new employees and updating current employees in both the Hospital and Government computer systems.


The Department has the overall function of coordinating training activities in the Hospital. In implementing this function, the Department coordinates the following:

  1. Identification of training needs
  2. Identification of trainers and training programmes
  3. Preparation of Training Plans
  4. Coordinating in house trainings and workshops
  5. Facilitating Induction programmes
  6. Soliciting of scholarships and sponsorship for various courses pursued by MNH staff.
  7. The Department also coordinates the rotations of interns in the Hospital from the period they are posted to the Hospital by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare until they complete their one year training and get certified as Medical Practitioners.

The Security Department

The Security Department has 35 employees with two Sections – General Security and Security System Operation. The Department is responsible for coordination of security activities in the Hospital and uses both in-house and private security personnel. It also manages and commands security systems which are installed at various locations within the Hospital premises.

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Bed Capacity
Specialized Clinics

Visiting Hours (Relatives)

  • Monday - Friday ~ 06:00AM - 07:00AM
  • Monday - Friday ~ 12:30PM - 02:00PM
  • Monday - Friday ~ 04:00PM - 06:00PM
Weekend & Public Holidays
  • Saturday & Sunday ~ 12:00PM - 02:00PM

Contact Info

Executive Director
  • Muhimbili National Hospital,
  • P.O Box 65000,
  • Dar es Salaam.
  • Telephone : +255-22-2151367-9
  • Email : info@mnh.or.tz